Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Discuss Musculoskeletal Pain Sustained by Truck Drivers
Musculoskeletal pain is common among workers within a variety of occupations. Even workers who never experience accidents may develop musculoskeletal pain due to repetitive wear and tear, poor posture, and long periods of immobilization.
This condition often manifests through muscle pain and discomfort. Muscles may feel overworked or in a constant state of spasm. They may burn, twitch, or feel fatigued. Overall, musculoskeletal pain can worsen without treatment and result in further complications.
Hinge Health reports that 54 percent of adult workers are impacted by musculoskeletal disorders each year. Low back pain is a common ailment associated with musculoskeletal disorders. It can be accompanied by anxiety, sleep disturbances, and depression. It also accounts for about a quarter of all workers’ compensation claims.
How it impacts truck drivers
In a study conducted by researchers at the University of Waterloo, 107 male truck drivers were surveyed at two different truck stops in Ontario, Canada. Approximately 57 percent of respondents claimed that they had experienced pain or discomfort at least 30 days prior to the survey.
The cited causes of musculoskeletal pain among truck drivers was “awkward postures, repetition, lifting, whole body vibration and prolonged sitting.” Other factors such as a truck driver’s level of physical fitness or overall job satisfaction are believed to contribute to this condition.
In order to reduce the number of cases involving musculoskeletal disorders, trucking companies have been implementing vibration-free seats in vehicles, modifying workers’ tasks, and advocating for exercise and healthy eating.
Treatment for musculoskeletal pain
In order for your body to be restored back to health, retraining the muscles, nerves, ligament and spine won’t be easy. It may require time away from the repetitive, strenuous job duties you regularly endure at work.
Treatment for musculoskeletal pain often includes:
- Stretching, exercise and physical therapy
- Massage therapy
- Chiropractic care
- Osteopathic treatment
- Acupuncture
- Medication for pain and inflammation
While you spend time in recovery, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits to cover your medical expenses and partial lost wages. An attorney at Tabor Law Firm, P.A. can help you through the process of filing a claim. With extensive legal knowledge and experience, we proudly represent injured workers throughout Mississippi. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.